A meeting to discuss the conduct of preparation work for Ba Vang Pagoda’s Chrysanthemum Festival 2020

News & Updates, 12:37 PM, October, 20 2020
In the afternoon of 16 October, 2020 (the 30th day of the eighth month, Year of the Rat), Ba Vang Pagoda and representatives of Agencies, Divisions and Boards of Uong Bi City, Quang Trung Ward and Thanh Son Ward jointly held a meeting to discuss conduct of preparation work for Chrysanthemum Festival 2020.
Attending the meeting were representatives of Monks of Ba Vang Pagoda, leaders and officials representing Public Security of Uong Bi City, Culture and Information Division of Peoples Committee of Uong Bi City, Culture and Communication Center of Uong Bi City, Medical Center of Uong Bi City, People's Committee and Public Security of Quang Trung Ward, People's Committee and Public Security of Thanh Son Ward and Heads of Subcommittees of the Festival Organizing Committee.
Representatives of Monks, leaders and officials of local government at the meeting to discuss the organisation of Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020.

Representatives of Monks, leaders and officials of local government at the meeting to discuss the organisation of Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020.

The meeting to discuss on the organisation of Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020.

The meeting to discuss on the organisation of Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020.

The representative of Ba Vang Pagodas Monks speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Ba Vang Pagodas Monks speaking at the meeting.

At the meeting, Heads of Task Forces reported on the plan to organize Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020, including reception for visitors, scenario, program to organize the opening ceremony of Chrysanthemum Festival and task assignment to related members.
Accordingly, attendees contributed their ideas to the clarification of issues of the traffic flow control scheme, environmental sanitation, disinfection, sterilization, and security before, during, and after the Festival.
The representative of People's Committee of Quang Trung Ward speaking at the meeting.

The representative of People's Committee of Quang Trung Ward speaking at the meeting.

The representative of People's Committee of Thanh Son Ward speaking at the meeting.

The representative of People's Committee of Thanh Son Ward speaking at the meeting.

Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020 is held in accordance with Decision No. 607/GP-SVHTTDL dated 21 July, 2014 of the Quang Ninh Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Document No. 2372/UBND-VHTT dated 06 October, 2020 of People's Committee of Uong Bi City.
Following the success of Chrysanthemum Festival in 2013 and 2016, Ba Vang Pagoda organizes Chrysanthemum Festival 2020 to promote the beauty of national tradition and express the cohesion, sharing of love, solidarity and mutual support in times of hardship.
The representative of Uong Bi City's Public Security speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Public Security speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Quang Trung Ward's Public Security speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Quang Trung Ward's Public Security speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Traffic Police speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Traffic Police speaking at the meeting.

Besides, the Chrysanthemum Festival honors the core values ​​of cultural and historical sites and famous scenery: Linh Son Yen Tu - the cradle of Truc Lam Yen Tu meditation sect and Ba Vang Pagoda scenery.
Accordingly, the Festival contributes actively to the economic recovery of Quang Ninh Province in the fourth quarter of 2020, stimulating demand for spiritual tourism for sustainable development on the basis of strengths of natural and cultural conditions of Quang Ninh Province and Uong Bi City.
Hopefully, the organization of Ba Vang Pagodas Chrysanthemum Festival 2020 taking place from 25 to 27 October, 2020 (from the ninth day to the eleventh day of the ninth month, Year of the Rat), in coordination with local government will be successfully carried out so that people and Buddhists attending the Festival can get many benefits.
The representative of Uong Bi City's Culture and Information Department speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Culture and Information Department speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Culture and Communication Center speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Culture and Communication Center speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Medical Center speaking at the meeting.

The representative of Uong Bi City's Medical Center speaking at the meeting.

Member of Ba Vang Pagoda's Security Board raising ideas at the meeting.

Member of Ba Vang Pagoda's Security Board raising ideas at the meeting.

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