3 special events upon the Buddha’s birth
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The Buddha's birth shook all the realms, bringing immense benefits and happiness to deities, humans, and all sentient beings.
Although the Buddha descended and appeared in a form resembling an ordinary person, from the moment of his birth, he showed us extraordinary and miraculous things only found in the lives of holy beings.
So what are these special and miraculous events? Please read this article "Three special events upon the Buddha's birth” through the explanation of Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh.
#1 Deities received the Buddha upon his birth
When Shakyamuni Buddha was born in the Lumbini Garden (in present-day Nepal), all deities rejoiced. From the heavens above, devas came to the world, using a heavenly-made cloth to wrap his body. In the Majjhima Nikàya Sutta: The Middle-length Discourse, a text in the Acchariya-abbhùtadhamma sutta (Wonderful and Marvelous Sutra), it is recorded: “When the being intent on awakening emerges from his mother's womb, gods receive him first, then humans.' This too I remember as an incredible quality of the Buddha.”
"When the Bodhisattva emerged from his mother's womb, before he reached the ground, four gods received him and placed him in front of his mother, saying: “Rejoice, O Queen! An illustrious son is born to you.”

When the Buddha was born, he was covered with heavenly-made silk by the deities.
#2 Water bathing the Buddha's body upon his birth
In the Majjhima Nikàya Sutta: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha part three, Acchariya-abbhutadhamma Sutra (Wonderful and Marvelous Sutra), the Buddha taught: "When the Bodhisattva emerged from his mother's womb, Ananda, two streams of water appeared from the sky, one cold and one warm, for bathing the Bodhisattva and his mother clean.”
Additionally, in Lalitavistara Sutra, it is mentioned that in the sky, there were nine dragons sprouting water to bathe the Buddha.
From the Buddhist Sutras, we know that the event of water bathing the body when the Prince was born is real, miraculous, and extraordinary, only appearing in the lives of great and holy persons when they are born.

When the Buddha was born, nine dragons spouted water to bathe his body (Illustration: The statue of the new-born Buddha at Ba Vang Pagoda, Vietnam)
#3 The Buddha's seven lotus steps upon his birth
The event of Shakyamuni Buddha taking seven steps immediately upon his birth is recorded in both the Original and Developed Sutras (the Acchariya-abbhutadhamma Sutra (Wonderful and Marvelous Sutra) is in The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha part three; and the S. Upasikābrahmacārya-dharmaparyāya-sūtra - volume 2 - part Auspicious Deeds').
The Acchariya-abbhutadhamma Sutra in the Majjhima Nikàya Sutta: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha part three, records this miraculous event: ".. As soon as the Bodhisatta was born, he stood firmly with his feet on the ground; then he took seven steps north, and with awhite parasol held over him, he surveyed each quarter and made this dramatic proclamation: "I am the highest in the world; I am the best in the world; I am the foremost in the world. This is my last birth'. Now there are no more future lives.”
Furthermore, according to the S. Upasikābrahmacārya-dharmaparyāya-sūtra - volume 2, it is recorded that: After being born, he took seven steps toward the north. At that time, a parasol naturally appeared, covering the Bodhisattva. After having taken the seven steps, the Bodhisattva looked in all ten directions, roared like a lion, and declared: In all the worlds, only I am supreme, I am the most honored in Heavens, humans, after ending this life, I will not return.

Upon his birth, the newborn Buddha took seven steps, each of which was supported by a blooming lotus.
Through these excerpts from these two sutras, we clearly see that when the Buddha was born, he immediately took seven steps, and each step was supported by a lotus blossom.
The birth of the Buddha is as extremely rare as the blooming of a millennium-old Udumbara flower. Although he descended in a human form like us, he was not an ordinary being so the special events that occurred during his birth are entirely real. His birth in this world is an extremely great event celebrated joyfully throughout all realms to welcome a great holy being into the world.
The Grand Vesak Celebration of Ba Vang Pagoda will take place on May 11-12, 2024 (the 4th-5th day of the fourth lunar month), to commemorate the noble birth of Shakyamuni Buddha. As Vesak (BE 2568 - CE 2024) is coming, may all Buddhists diligently practice the Buddha's teachings to experience joy, peace, and positive transformation in this life and in future lives — this is also a way to express gratitude to the Buddha. May you have peace, happiness, and joy on the Buddha's Birthday.