The Benefits of Practising the Dharma in the Forest

Monasticism, 01:39 AM, February, 05 2023

Cultivating in the forest is a supporting condition for Monks to abandon and leave afar off sensual pleasures.

Especially for beginners, forest is the best place to practice the Dharma. Its extremely beneficial! Practicing amidst natural forests, being surrounded by lots of trees and plants in absolute peace are good for the practice of detachment. Monks can also recognise their illusive ideas more easily and clearly. Outside the forest, our minds are easily moved on encountering worldly sights and, thus, we are dragged without awareness. … On the other hand, if Monks live in too convenient conditions, it will be very difficult to become free from sensual pleasures. …

So at first, we practise in the forest to cultivate the mind of detachment and to be far removed from sensual pleasures. Eating one meal a day, abstaining from sleeping too much and practising walking meditation at midnight are all methods for Monks to practise detachment.

thay thich truc thai minh walking in the forest mb
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