Revive the Buddha's Original Practices

Monasticism, 05:05 AM, January, 26 2023

It is a certain thing that there would be no miraculous potions or shortcuts that can help mankind attain wisdom and completely escape from all sufferings. These can only be achieved by the true maintenance of Dharma to eradicate greed, wrath, and foolishness stemming from our bodies, mouths, and thoughts.

In order to truly inherit the transcendent wisdom of Tathagata (Buddhas) and to achieve enlightenment and liberation, Buddhist practitioners need to take every single step to stringently maintain all the Dharma that Tathagata bequeathed to human beings and heavenly subjects.

At the Time of the Buddha

2600 years ago, in Kapilavastu, Prince Siddhartha abandoned the luxurious life in golden palaces and carnal desires (kama) of the secular world to leave home in search of a way to reach liberation, thereby saving all kinds from sufferings. He unfurled the flag of liberation (the release from the cycle of birth and death), delivered miraculous and eternal Dharma to humankind and heavenly ones. Buddha showed all living creatures the way to a peaceful and joyful place of enlightenment. However, the journey to the origin of ourselves is not easy and facile at all. It contains various difficulties and challenges. Only those who have sufficient will and energy of extraordinary men can achieve enlightenment within their lifetime.

In Buddhas time, Monks practised the Dharma and slept under trees in the forest, because the environment in the forest is beneficial to their cultivation. Also, taking food only once a day is exactly what Buddhas Sangha practiced. Their only clothes were robes patched from unused cloth. The cloth was usually dyed with spices such as turmeric or saffron, which gave it a yellow-orange color and were called "robes" until today.

The Wish to Uphold the Buddhas Practices

On the path to enlightenment, a Monk has to diligently practise the Dharma and endure various challenges. At Ba Vang Pagoda, the Sangha experience ascetic life in the forest to overcome fear of darkness and hostile animals or climatic difficulties.

Under the instruction of Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh, Great Monks of Ba Vang Pagoda have made a vow to follow the Buddha to learn about the virtue of warding off lusts and affection and devote themselves to Buddhism. In this way, they can truly practise Dharma and improve themselves step by step while heading to the Supreme Perfect Enlightenment.

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