A Buddhist miracle: A son recovered from autism after 4 months

Applied Buddhism, 19:16 PM, September, 25 2023

Recovery from autism, a seemingly incurable illness, is rare. However, Chung and his wife have made this nearly impossible situation possible thanks to their faith and diligent practice in Buddhism. After just 4 months, the child, who was previously unresponsive and delayed in language and movement, has now become playful, responsive, and absorbed knowledge quickly. Read this article to witness the miraculous journey of Chung's family!

Grief experiences of parents after their son's autistic diagnosis

“I even wanted to kill myself,” said Thu Trang, Chung's wife, describing how she felt when hearing their son was diagnosed with autism. 

Around August 2022, the couple discovered that their 15-month-old son had autism. They felt shocked and guilty because they focused on making money without recognizing their son's symptoms. 

Their son was unresponsive and even unable to recognize his own parents. When they took him to the doctor, he suggested that they had to interact with their son as much as possible and enroll him in special classes for autistic children. They followed his advice and tried taking their son to the classes; however, after only two classes, they had to stop and take care of him at home because their son became extremely fussy and cried uncontrollably during class. 

“I thought that we would have to look after him our whole life because this [autism] is an incurable illness,” she said in a faltering voice.

The family fell into despair at that time… 

Finding a way out of suffering in Buddhism

When medical treatment seemed to be ineffective for their son's illness and they received nothing but silence from the doctors, Chung, and his wife put their faith in Buddhism and Ba Vang Pagoda.  

They had actually known about the Pagoda and numerous miracles through its follower's Buddhist practice about 5 years ago. They also joined the Yellow Chrysanthemum Club. However, it was not until they recognized their son's autism that they began to focus on learning and practicing Buddhism. 

The advice and encouragement of other Buddhists as well as the recovery of another Buddhist's autistic child in the Chrysanthemum club motivated the spouses to diligently practice Buddhism under the instructions of Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh, the abbot of the Pagoda. 

They kept the five precepts for lay Buddhists, listened to the Dharma teachings from Thay, repented for their mistakes, and prayed to the Buddha for their son's recovery. Besides, they did merit work, helped others, and made offerings to the Three Jewels, dedicating all those merits and blessings for their son in the hope that he would recover from autism. 

Miraculous changes in the son after only 4 months of the parents' diligent practice

Amazingly, the son gradually got better over time. Initially, he became more playful and responsive. Shortly afterwards, he started to speak, became aware of many things around him, and recognized his parents. He started learning new things very quickly. 

Bright and happy smiles appear both on the faces of the baby and his parents after days of stuckness and sadness.

Bright and happy smiles appear both on the faces of the baby and his parents after days of stuckness and sadness.

Up to that moment, Trang could not hold back her emotions and happiness:

“He didn't play alone anymore! He liked to play with me, his father, and others!”

“He even knew how to use his finger to point at things. This is an important milestone for autistic children.”

The couple then took their son to the hospital again and received an unprecedented result that their son was no longer autistic. Everyone was amazed by the son's speedy recovery without any medical intervention. But the couple knew the reason for this:

“I know his recovery was thanks to Ba Vang Pagoda, thanks to Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh and the monks of the Pagoda.”

How happy is that the family met Buddhism! The baby, supported by his mom, offers alms to monks, sowing an auspicious seed for his present and future lives.

How happy is that the family met Buddhism! The baby, supported by his mom, offers alms to monks, sowing an auspicious seed for his present and future lives.

Now, their son has become a normal child. He can understand and speak long sentences. He can also count from 1 to 10, sing songs and recognize colors, etc. Even his teacher said that he was smart and learned things fast. From a passive child with little response, he turned brighter and more lively.

He is responsive to his parents normally and able to recognize things.

He is responsive to his parents normally and able to recognize things.


At the end of the story, they sincerely and respectfully expressed their great gratitude towards Thay and the monks of Ba Vang Pagoda, also, thanked their Buddhist friends for helping them a lot during that time. They also hope that from their story, people will have faith in the Buddha Dharma, and Ba Vang Pagoda: 

“I just have one thing to say that when you have difficulties in life, you can think about Ba Vang Pagoda - the only place to help you to solve all the problems.”

The Buddha Dharma is truly wonderful and inconceivable, bringing peace and happiness to everyone. People who rely on and respect the Three Jewels, firmly believe in the law of cause and effect, and honestly apply Buddha's teachings to their lives will receive many blessings and soon be free from suffering.

Hope you are staying safe, healthy, and happy!

Hope you are staying safe, healthy, and happy!

We hope this story will spread widely and inspire more people to believe in and practice Buddha Dharma for a better life.

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