Infographic: 5 Profound Lessons You Can Learn From Water
Water makes up more than 70% of the earth's surface. 70% is also the average percentage of water in the human body. Water is a magical element that makes life possible, because no species can sustain their life without water.
If we look at the nature of water closely, we will realize that there are many lessons we can learn from it.
According to the Buddhist text Milindapañha, Venerable Nagasena taught king Milinda five qualities of water that he should take. Which are they?
This Infographic will give you an overview of these five qualities of water, based on the explanation of Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh from His regular sermon at Ba Vang Pagoda on 16 October 2020.

First lesson from the water.

Second lesson from the water.

Third lesson from the water.

Fourth lesson from the water.

Fifth lesson from the water.