Mangala Sutta - The sutra on happiness

Buddhist documents, 15:06 PM, June, 27 2023


Thus have I heard. On one occasion, the Buddha was dwelling at Anathapindika's monastery, in Jeta's Grove, in Savatthi. When the night was far spent, a deity whose brilliant splendor illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, came to the presence of the Buddha, respectfully saluted Him, and stood at one side. Standing thus, he addressed the Buddha in verse:

"Many deities and men,

Have pondered on blessings,

Yearning after good,

To live a peaceful life.

Please, tell me the greatest blessing!"

[The Buddha taught:]

1. "Not to associate with the fools,

But to associate with the wise;

And to honor those who are worthy of honor

This is the greatest blessing.

2. To reside in a suitable environment,

To do meritorious actions

And to set oneself on the right course

This is the greatest blessing.

3. To have much learning,

To be skillful in occupation,

Well-trained in discipline,

And to be of good speech

This is the greatest blessing.

4. To support mother and father,

To cherish spouse and children,

And to be engaged in peaceful occupations

This is the greatest blessing.

5. To be generous in giving,

To be righteous in conduct,

To help one's relatives,

And to be blameless in action

This is the greatest blessing.

6. To stop evils,

To refrain from intoxicants,

And to be steadfast in virtue

This is the greatest blessing.

7. To be respectful and humble,

To be contented and grateful,

And to listen to the Dharma on due occasions

This is the greatest blessing.

8. To be patient and obedient,

To associate with Buddhist monks,

And to have Dharma discussions on due occasions

This is the greatest blessing.

9. To long for wisdom,

What is the cause of suffering?

How to end suffering

To understand the Four Noble Truths

This is the greatest blessing.

10. A mind unruffled by worldly affairs,

From sorrow freed,

From defilements cleansed,

From fear liberated

This is the greatest blessing.”

[The Buddha taught further:]

“Those who thus abide,

Ever remain invincible,

Have peace wherever they go

And always live in happiness.”

After hearing that,

The deity paid homage to the Buddha

And followed the teachings with joy.

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