10:44 AM, August, 06 2022

Buddhists worldwide celebrating the Bodhi day

Bodhi day (the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month) is the day Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment. From then on, sentient beings were taught a way out of suffering. Buddhists living in many countries and territories worldwide express their wishes and happiness to commemorate the Buddha’s enlightenment day. Let’s watch the following video and join in the happy atmosphere of this special day.

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10:44 AM, August, 06 2022

Buddhists worldwide celebrating the Bodhi day

Bodhi day (the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month) is the day Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment. From then on, sentient beings were taught a way out of suffering. Buddhists living in many countries and territories worldwide express their wishes and happiness to commemorate the Buddha’s enlightenment day. Let’s watch the following video and join in the happy atmosphere of this special day.

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