14:03 PM, July, 15 2023

Passion and Money: What to Choose in Your Career?

On choosing a career path, we are often told to follow our passion. However, most would pick jobs with better pecuniary benefits. For many, the pursuit of money has led them to the path that does not really suit them. From the viewpoint of Buddhism, there are karmic reasons why you should go after your passion. These can really help you decide on career choices. Let’s find out about it through a small talk by Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh

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14:03 PM, July, 15 2023

Passion and Money: What to Choose in Your Career?

On choosing a career path, we are often told to follow our passion. However, most would pick jobs with better pecuniary benefits. For many, the pursuit of money has led them to the path that does not really suit them. From the viewpoint of Buddhism, there are karmic reasons why you should go after your passion. These can really help you decide on career choices. Let’s find out about it through a small talk by Thay Thich Truc Thai Minh

266 12

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